Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
- Topics to be published by Journal JATISI relating to Information Technology in the form of new knowledge gatherings / accumulations, empirical observations or research results, and development of new ideas or proposals
- The manuscript is written in standard Indonesian or English, has never been published and is free of plagiarism. The manuscript has a written statement sent via email to [email protected]
- Manuscript typed with computer using Microsoft Word (Doc) 1 Column, on paper size 21 cm x 29.7 cm (A4), upper margin 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm and right 3 cm left 3 cm, space 1, Times New Roman font size for the title of the article is 14 points, and the font on the contents is a 10 point paper. The script is written in 1 column layout. JATISI Template
- The number of pages ranges from 4-8 pages, and the number of images should not exceed 30% of all posts
- The maximum word of title is 16 words in Indonesian or 14 words in English. The title should reflect exactly the issues discussed in the paper, using words that are concise, straightforward, precise, clear and contain the elements to be discussed.
- The author's name is written under the title before the abstract without any academic degree or any other degree, from the institution where the author takes shelter and email address for correspondence with the size of 11 bold points.
- Systematic of script writing, consisting of:
Abstracts and keywords
Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English with lengths of 150-200 words each and are tilted with Times New Roman 11 typed points with 1 spacing in 1 paragraph. Abstract is arranged with short sentences, clear, coherent, and systematic and can describe the research process from background, objective, method, research implementation, to the conclusion of research result.
- Introduction
Introduction is written with Times New Roman 10 points. The introduction describes the background of the problem, the purpose of the study, the limits of the research, the methods used in the research, the results obtained previously, and the contribution given from this paper. In addition, the introduction also contains a literature review that contains a systematic description of the information results of previous research conducted by previous researchers relevant to the research to be conducted. This section contains the advantages and disadvantages that may exist in previous research that can be used as an argument that the research will be done is perfecting or developing previous research. This section also contains the theoretical basis of a summary of theories derived from the literature that support the research, and contains an explanation of the concepts and basic principles necessary for problem solving. Theoretical basis can be in the form of qualitative descriptions, mathematical models, or tools that directly related to the problems studied. The sources of references referred to in this section should be included in the referenced sentences / statements and in the References, for example [1]. Table titles are written in Times New Roman 10-point, placed above the table, without ending the dot. The table should not be decapitated, unless it is not possible to be typed in a single page. On the next page the table lists the table numbers and is written an advanced word without title. Charts, graphs, maps, photos, all called images. The title of the picture is in Times New Roman 10 point, just below the image, without ending by the dot. The picture description is written in an empty space on the same page. The scale and units on the graph should be as clear as possible. Each table and picture should be referenced in the paper.
2. Research methods / Methodology of Research
This section contains a complete and detailed description of the steps undertaken in conducting of research. In addition, the research step also needs to be shown in the form of flowchart of research or framework step in complete and detailed including reflected algorithm, rule, modeling, design and others related to system design aspect.
3. Results and Discussion
Results and Discussion is a section that contains all scientific findings obtained as research data. This section is expected to provide a scientific explanation that can logically explain the reason for obtaining those results that are clearly described, complete, detailed, integrated, systematic, and continuous.
Writers organize systematically along with rational arguments about scientific information obtained in research, especially information relevant to the research problem. The discussion of the research results obtained can be presented in the form of theoretical description, both qualitatively and quantitatively. In practice, this section can be used to compare the results of the research obtained in the current research on the results of the research reported by previous researchers referred to in this study. Scientifically, the results of research obtained in the study may be new findings or improvements, affirmations, or rejection of a scientific phenomenon from previous researchers
To clarify the presentation, the results of the study are carefully presented in order to be easily understood, for example, can be shown in the form of tables, curves, graphics, drawings, photographs, or other forms as necessary complete and clear. It should be endeavored that when reading the results of the study in that format, the reader does not need to seek related information from the description in the discussion. The end of this section contains information about the advantages and disadvantages of the system, which are described in detail.
4. Conclusion
Conclusion is a brief, clear, and precise statement of what is obtained contains advantages and disadvantages, can be proven, and directly related to the purpose of research. The description in this section should be a statement that has been analyzed / discussed in the previous section, not a completely new statement and never discussed in the previous section, and is the answer to the problem formulated. This section does not need explanation anymore.
5. Suggestion
Suggestions include proposals or opinions that should be related by similar research. Suggestions are made based on weaknesses, experiences, difficulties, errors, new findings that have not been studied and various possible future research directions.
6. Reference / Bibliography
The References list contains only the literature that is really referred to in Times New Roman 10 point paper, and compiled as follows:
- The References List is based on the order in which the references appear.
- Writing for a single typed one space source library. The distance between the sources of libraries remains two spaces.
- The source of reference from the Internet should come from an official-scientific article.
- Each library is written according to:
- Books: writer’s name, publishing year, title, edition (if necessary), volumes (if necessary), name of publisher, publisher city
- Magazine / Journal Scientific / Proceedings: writer’s name, publishing year, title, name of magazine / scientific journal / proceedings, edition (if necessary), name of publisher, publisher city
- Research Report: name of researcher, year, title, type of research, name of institution, city
- Internet: Writer's name, access date, article title, completes URL address. Publications on the web in addition to e-books, e-journals, and e-proceedings are not allowed to be used as scientific research references.
5) References using mendeley and zotero applications
- Tables and figures should be assigned an identity in the form of serial number and title of the table or drawing in accordance with the contents of the table or picture, as well as supplemented by the citation source.
- The equations must be numbered
- The reference is organized in the order in which the references appear. The sequence begins with the author's name, year, title, publisher, and city published. Writer name is a family name followed by a small name. To quote from the internet contains the author's name, article title, website address, and access date.
- The editors shall be entitled to reject the manuscript that does not meet the technical criteria / requirements, make changes to the manuscript, correct the language and consult the author before the manuscript is published.
The sample of reference
[1] S.K. Kenue, “Limited angle multifrequency deffiaction tomography,” IEEE Trans. Sonic Ultrason, vol. SU-29, no. 6, pp. 213-217, July 1982.
[2] P.M. Morse and H. Feshback, Methods of Theoretical Physic, New York: McGraw Hill, 1953.
[3] R. Frinkel, R. Taylor, R. Bolles, R. Paul, “An overview of AL, programming system for automation,” in Proc. Fourth Int. Join Conf Artif.Intel., pp. 758-765, Sept. 3-7, 2006.
[4] A.S.R. Ansori, M. Hariadi, W. Endah,"Pemodelan Retakan Tiga Dimensi Akibat Ledakan Untuk Serious Games", in Proc. Semnasteknomedia 2013, pp.13-1, Januari 13,2013.
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