Perancangan Aplikasi Point Of Sales (POS) Berbasis Android (Studi Kasus: Warkop Vape Salatiga)
The purpose of this research was to help the transaction in Warkop Vape Salatiga. The stall was using traditional way. Traditional means that using conventional process from the financial record to product management, therefore a Point Of Sales application was made, so the stall’s owner could work easier. This research used the spiral or Boehm method. In this method, there was a risk analysis that was useful for analyzing the risks that would arise from the needs and design which had been made in the previous stages. The design of this system used technology from firebase, which was the real-time database feature. It also utilized barcode and qr-code technology from the ZXing library. It could be concluded that this application could make the work of the stall owner easier. This could be seen from the system testing using the black box method which showed good results, all system functions were running well, apart from system testing, interviews with Warkop owners were also conducted. The stall owner convey that the application was easy to use and functions were in accordance with the needs of the store.
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